Chevon Cookies How-To
I start with my basic sugar cookie recipe. This is my tried and true recipe that I use for all cut-outs for holidays, birthdays, weddings, baptisms... Click here to go to the recipe.
I recommend using royal icing for these cookies because it will dry and harden so that you can package them and it keeps the colors from bleeding together. I used Bake@360's royal icing recipe. It's my favorite. Click here to get it. Please, please, please make sure you sift the powdered sugar when making icing. When you're creating designs like this, it is a must! Otherwise, you'll get small chunks of powdered sugar stuck in your decorating tip.
If you won't be packaging your cookies, you could use the simple powdered sugar frosting recipe on the perfect sugar cookies post - it will harden up a little, but not like royal. I prefer the simple powdered sugar frosting with butter over royal, but you really must use royal if you are packaging for an event or planning to stack the cookies.
Now, let's get to it. Bake the cookies, prepare the icing. Thin icing as needed.
Prepare a template... I use an index card, draw a chevron (zig-zag), cut it out. Just like this:

Next, using an edible marker (you can get this in the cake decorating aisle of any craft store), use the template you just created to trace the chevron patter onto your cookie. Start at the top of the cookie and move the template down the cookie. The space between each line is your preference and will also depend on the size of your cookie.

Now you can start with your first color. Trace a single thin line with your icing, then flood in the spaces, but remember to go every other space so that you'll have an area for your second color.

Allow the first color to dry a bit and then fill in the alternating space with your second color. Finish by going back over the edges of the first color by piping a thin line. This makes the chevron pattern more crisp.
Your chevron pattern is now complete. Allow to dry and add any embellishment you like. I did a few different monograms for the wedding... piped with icing in an accent color and a white monogram on top of a fondant circle. If you decide to add a fondant accent, just adhere it to the cookie with a small dot of royal icing.
Now you can package them up in bags with ribbon, display them on a plate, or just eat them up!